What’s up with this guy? Perhaps he just really, really, really dislikes door-to-door sellers? Oh, and you may be wondering why I’m suddenly updating so much! Well, I made a bet. Yup. A bet.
I already lost that bet, but I keep posting just because. John, that hat… doesn’t look good on you, no sir. You may also recognize some lollipops on the background. (Buahahah, I’m making spoilers for my own story.)
Sybils! They’re something else. P.S. You can support the King in the Ugly Holiday Sweater Contest he’s joined by liking him here! King’s Court will be very thankful.
I would’ve thought the country’s motto was something in fancy latin. A friendly reminder!: you can support the King in the Ugly Holiday Sweater Contest he’s joined by liking him here! King’s Court will be very thankful.