Webcomics from A Tale Yet Unclaimed
A Tale Yet Unclaimed : Page 30
A Tale Yet Unclaimed : Page 31
A Tale Yet Unclaimed : Page 32
This week I’ve been pretty busy with the site’s new backgrounds, but hey: the site’s got new backgrounds! You need to have javascript enabled if you want to see both of them, and for some reason none of them seems to work in all mobile versions, but I have no idea why. Whateverrrrr, enjoy the… Continue reading A Tale Yet Unclaimed : Page 32
A Tale Yet Unclaimed : Page 33
A Tale Yet Unclaimed : Page 34
A Tale Yet Unclaimed : Page 35 (attention, animated image!)
A Tale Yet Unclaimed : Page 36
A Tale Yet Unclaimed : Page 37
Again, all pictures of reality/reality warfare/Dark Demonic Practitioners/other strange things are Art’s Conception (TM), and do not necessarily depict what is happening anywhere, like, at all. Also, just noticed by accident that today is April’s Fools. (There’s no April’s Fools where I grew up, we do this kind of stuff on the 28th December instead.)… Continue reading A Tale Yet Unclaimed : Page 37
A Tale Yet Unclaimed : Page 38
Late night update! Well, here it’s late at night, I don’t know anywhere else. Good news: I FINALLY managed to reinstall the comments system! It was disabled so far because of linguistic challenges: the main site, la Tintomaquia, is in Spanish, and I didn’t know how to prevent the labels of the comment section from… Continue reading A Tale Yet Unclaimed : Page 38